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Ginger vs. Sapling


Ginger is an AI writing assistant that helps correct texts and improve style. Besides grammar checking, Ginger also includes rephrasing and synonym functionality. It includes add-ins for various programs as well as school and business editions.

Screenshot of example edits by Ginger


  • Free version provides definitions and limited corrections
  • Premium version provides unlimited grammar checking corrections, synonyms, and sentence rephrasing
  • Does not have any enterprise plans


Ginger has 1,600 ratings and 700,000+ users on their Chrome Web Store with an average rating of 3.7 stars out of 5 (as of May 2022)


  • Premium offering includes rephrasing through Ginger Rephraser
  • Includes advanced synonyms
  • Provides a Microsoft Office add-in
  • Provides translation between 40+ languages


  • Limited to just grammar checking as there is no snippets/macros or suggested responses tools
  • Limited functionality for teams; built mainly for personal use as there is no enterprise plan or dashboard analytics
  • Does not provide a style guide or tone prediction
  • Limited security certifications; does not provide HIPAA compliance or SOC 2 certification information


Sapling is the language model copilot for customer-facing teams. Sapling sits on top of CRMs and messaging platforms to help sales, support, and success teams more efficiently compose personalized responses. Managers gain conversational insights to coach and prepare teams.

Screenshot of example edits by Sapling


  • Free version includes basic suggestions and 20 snippets
  • Pro version includes unlimited snippets, advanced suggestions, autocomplete everywhere, unlimited use on premium domains, and email/ticket support
  • Enterprise plan includes chat suggest, conversational insights, self hosting, API, advanced security options, and team analytics


Sapling has 78 ratings and 40,000+ users on their Chrome Web Store with an average rating of 4.4 stars out of 5 (as of May 2022)


  • Catches 60% more grammar errors than leading competitors
  • More than just a grammar checker, has tools including chat macros, autocomplete, and suggested responses
  • Built for teams, with dashboard analytics
  • Superior enterprise-grade security with self-hosting available
  • Supports multiple languages and provides custom models
  • Dashboard analytics allow managers to gain conversational insights to coach and prepare teams


  • No tone or plagiarism checks
  • Limited error explanations

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MS Word (Win/Mac)
MS Outlook (Win/Mac)
Google Docs
Products & Features
Style Guide
Tone Prediction
Snippets / Macros
Suggested Responses
Built for Sales
Built for Support
Multiple Languages
Custom Models
SOC 2 (Type II)
API Access